Friday, March 15, 2013

"Rogue Nations," violating human rights. But to label the nations with the name, violates the right of the nations.

In modern age, many global conflicts such as the war on terrorism have been threatening human rights. In order to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, one hundred ninety two nations have currently signed up the United Nations. As the U.N. promotes human rights and global securities, the number of cases of violence has been significantly decreased. However, the United States label some other countries as rogues and to do so provokes international conflicts. Individual countries now need to respect others’ government system and culture, but should not insult them.

Rogue State is a controversial term. Rogue-nations abuse the human rights of their population, squander their national resources for the personal gain of the rulers, and violate international treaties to which they are party. Although some believed the term is useful to describe threats to global security, others argued that the United States was applying the term unfairly. In 2002, President Bush called North Korea, Iran, and Iraq as members of an “axis of evil.” President Bush’s speech caused harsh criticisms, and irritated those three countries. For example, Francis A. Boyle, an international law and human rights professor at the University of Illinois College of Law, said, “The United States government has become the sole ‘rogue elephant’ of international law and politics.” As the American government treated those three countries unfairly, the countries decided to fight against and not to make deals with the United States and their allied nations. Therefore, if the most powerful country does not stop being rude to others, it will not establish international peace, and will be threatened by terrorism again.

How best to parley with “rogue nations” is one of the controversies concerning rogue nations. Since rogue nations support terrorism, it is obviously hard to negotiate with those struggling nations on a peace treaty. However, to promote globalization can reduce the threat posed by rogue states. Aid and help building strong institutions will help end the political and economic isolation that make those nations a threat. As a result, “countries of concern” such as Iran and North Korea will be in attendance at the meeting of peace treaty. For example, in 2000, President Kim of South Korea contracted to send subsidy and food to citizens of North Korea who were in food shortage. After South Korean government helped North Korea, those two governments started economic and cultural exchanges. Strategies that promote globalization will therefore reduce the threat these nations pose.

To change attitudes toward those struggling states can fix the worldwide conflicts as a whole. In order to live in peace with “countries of concern,” the controversial term, “rogue nations,” is needed to be abolished and the United Nations must aid those nations in chaos. Indeed, the allied nations with the United States should stop increasing the global tension.

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