Freedom of religion, is one
of the human rights that we learn about in elementary school that are granted
to us in the Constitution. Every religion has different customs and guidelines
tied to their belief. Within the Muslim
religion they have a custom of veiling women. Some Muslims sects require their
women to veil their hair and others to completely veil their face. These women
should have the right to do as they please with their veiling in respect with
their religious beliefs. France, along with many other countries, enacted laws
banning face veiling. The French government’s argument was that it would bring
equality to men and women, where in the government’s opinion women are made
subservient to men by having to wear the face veil.
Placing a ban on all face veiling
targets Muslim women. They are directly disrespecting the Muslim religion and
violating their human right of religion. A Muslim French women said that it
breached many of her human rights including religion and expression. She also
said that it is discriminates based on gender, religion, and ethnic origins. The
consequence of adhering their religious custom and veiling their face is to be
subject to 150€ fine and/or take a “citizen course”. In effect, this is having
to pay money to practice their religion. According
to the French Observatory on
Secularism, 594 women were fined and
many had to pay the fine more than once. This ban forced women to their homes.
Even though this ban was enacted to bring equality to society in as a whole, this
ban does just the opposite. “France has a duty, under the European
Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR), to respect and protect freedom of religion,
expression, and personal autonomy of all those on its territory.” Even so, the French government has passed a law that
violates just that. France should lift the ban for those women that choose to
wear a veil for religious purposes. A face covering ban could be justified as a
criminal justice measure where the perpetrator’s identity cannot be hidden
without drawing attention to themselves by the public. But the stated
justification for this ban is trading the human right of religion with
perceived human right of equality between men and women. Isn’t this trading one
human right for another?
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