Friday, September 20, 2013

Internet Surveillance

Security, that is what a government is “supposed” to give its citizens.  We here in the United States of America have a military that gives us security from outside attackers.  We have the police and other defense organization to keep us safe on the inside of our country.  However, what of the lands that have no boundaries and have no government?  I am, of course, referring to the Internet, the World Wide Web, or whatever name you wish to call it.  What about the security that is taken away by the government?  As the above linked article states, lots of policies have not changed as the time has gone by.  The world has changed, however.  This giant expanse of knowledge, entertainment, and such has taken over the communication of so many lives.  Many violations of human rights occur in places that are undeveloped or in conflict.  However, human rights violations can occur all over the world, even in first world countries, even in America.  The Internet is one of those technologies that have provided the government with a quick and easy way to survey its own citizens without their consent thus violating these citizens right to privacy. Article three of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right to security of person.  Governments are infringing on the privacy of their own citizens.  This issue may not be as serious as torture or refugees, but it still is an issue of human rights.  This is something happen within our own borders.  As the technology of surveillance increases, so does our lack of privacy.  If this surveillance goes undisturbed, we could lose all privacy on the web.  I understand that social media sites aren’t private but what about email.  What if one day every single email we send is filtered through the government.  Sure I’m not doing anything awful, but I believe in my right to privacy just as everyone should have theirs.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think this is the single greatest question that we have to ask about our digital age and our dependence on the web for vital communications. I kind of think about the web like the phone - we use it just liked we used to use the phone - to communicate, to reach out, to get information. If we think about phones being wiretapped, it's pretty horrible. Or we could go even further back to letter-writing. What if all letters were opened before they got to the recipient of it? If we think about this in regards to the internet, we see the violation. In the cases of phones, letters, etc. - they were only tapped or censored if criminal activity was suspected. everyone now considered a potential criminal?
