In a more recent paper, Xiaowei Wang argues that we
should begin considering the internet as a human right because access
to the internet aids in the protection of one's rights to free speech
and information, and removal of the internet would jeopardize those
rights. Wang addresses a counter argument made by Viton Cerf which
states that: even though the internet does enable human rights, it is
not a human right. Wang states that this argument assumes that human
rights should be minimalistic and transhistorical. This misses the
point of human rights; this logic wouldn't include many of the human
rights in the UDHR such as rights to democracy, freedom of speech, or
paid vacation. Wang states that in order for human rights to be
powerful they must be able to react to the current political and
technological climate. Their political purpose is to protect the
people who cannot help themselves.
That being said, I disagree with
Wang's argument that the internet is a human right, but instead
uphold that it is an enabler of human rights. Therefore China and
other countries are clearly violating their peoples' human rights by
filtering their internet and outside information. Instead of making
the internet a human right, we should seek stronger corrective
measures which would ensure that current human rights are not
violated. However, this is much easier said than done. When
Secretary of State Hilary Clinton criticized China for their internet
policies in 2010, China responded harshly saying that her speech
greatly hurt the US-China relationship. Because of this it is
unlikely that the US will preform any real intervention. There is no
easy solution to this problem and the Chinese people will suffer
until we find one.
Empirical Analysis of Internet Filtering in China
Yes, I think this is the single greatest question that we have to ask about our digital age and our dependence on the web for vital communications. Is it a right? Or enabler of rights? I kind of think about the web like the phone - we use it just liked we used to use the phone - to communicate, to reach out, to get information. If we think about phones being wiretapped, it's pretty horrible. Or we could go even further back to letter-writing. What if all letters were opened before they got to the recipient of it? If we think about this in regards to the internet, we see the violation. In the cases of phones, letters, etc. - they were only tapped or censored if criminal activity was suspected. everyone now considered a potential criminal?