Friday, October 18, 2013

Discuss around Women’s Rights in India

Recently, some news around violence attack to women in India caught my attention since it is likely to be on news every couple of days. I have never been to India before and I don’t anything about the country. So I went online to find out what is the real condition of women’s rights in this country.  After reading couple of news and reviews, I got some basic idea about the women’s conditions in India and the cause of it.
No doubt, violence attack to women indeed exists in India and happens frequently. According to a report, there were nearly 25,000 reported cases of rape in 2012 in India. In Delhi, with a population of 15 million, more than 1,000 cases were reported in the year to mid-August 2013, against 433 reported in the same period last year. In Jharkhand state, to the south-east, more than 800 cases have been reported in the past seven months, including a gang rape of a schoolgirl. There were 460 reported cases in all of 2012. The rise may be in part due to increased reporting, but India's National Crime Records Bureau says registered rape cases in India have increased by almost 900% over 40 years, to 24,206 incidents in 2011. Some activists say one in 10 rapes is reported; others one in 100. In a 2011 poll nearly one in four Indian men admitted to having committed some act of sexual violence.
This report really shocked me, how is it possible that one in four Indian men had committed some act of sexual violence? Isn’t there law? The answer is yes. There are laws protecting women but rarely being conducted. Why? Usually, most girls don’t want to let others know such things happened to her, so instead of calling the police, they choose to be quiet like nothing happened. This is one of the reasons that so many men dare to commit sexual violence to girls.  Second, poor infrastructure is another reason that results in such high sexual violence rate in India. In most cities and countryside, private bus dominates public transport. Most toilets for women are dark and unfriendly, which means girls have to learn extreme bladder control and to negotiate dark streets and unfriendly parks. In such cases, women’s safety issues can hardly be guaranteed.
But how to solve this? On the long run, which is definitely harder, new laws and rules should be published and being conducted seriously. On the short run, the government should help build up new infrastructures that are female-friendly.   But most importantly, women should be encouraged to fight against those lady-killers using law weapon. Only in this way could sexual violence be thoroughly.



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