Friday, October 18, 2013

The Importance of Equal Education


I am so glad that the rest of the world has finally decided to open their eyes to what I consider one of the biggest human rights violations in the modern world: barring the right to an education for females. What Malala has done is fearless and definitely deserves recognition not only locally, but around the world. Her fearlessness is allowing the wheels of change to finally come into motion in a society that places very harsh restrictions on “the weaker sex.”

How did such a stereotype even start, and what can we do to try and stop it? From early days, because of a slighter body frame and, most importantly, the fact that women are the ones who actually give birth, they have been held in slighter regard. No one bothered to consider the fact that childbirth is not a sign of weakness, but rather strength, and that a smaller physical frame does not indicate a smaller mental capacity. Now, even in societies that have so-called “evolved,” stereotypes against women exist in some fashion, pervading through the social and professional life of females everywhere. In areas of the Middle East, however, this difference extends to the extent that women cannot even have a social or professional life if they had wanted to. Malala is absolutely right in insisting that every child, whether male or female, should have the right to a good education;  not only does having a good education generally allow the child better job opportunities, but it adds to their base of knowledge and aids in decision making.

Hopefully the awarding of the Human Rights Prize to Malala is an indicator that not only are world leaders everywhere recognizing the problem of inadequate education around the world, but they are starting to put more emphasis on steps to minimize this terrible problem.

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