Friday, February 8, 2013

Egyptian Protests Turn Violent

Egyptian Protests Human Rights

Just today a very short time ago violence broke out in Egypt. The many episodes of violence that have occurred in Egypt over the past few months have all arisen from clashes between protestors and the riot police. The reason this article caught my eye is that the debate over when picketing and protesting crosses over the line from exercising free speech to being a large public nuisance intrigues me. These protestors, upset with the current man in power and how he chooses to run the country, seek to restructure the government with a new leader. These protestors, in this particular case, have drastically crossed the line. The killings are unfortunate and certainly unwarranted by the police, but there needed to be repercussions for the protestors’ actions. Firing flares and trying to dismantle the front gate of the presidential palace is taking protesting too far. The recent election in Egypt, in which Morsi was elected, seems to have been completely fair. There is no reason for such violence at the hands of the opposite party trying to overthrow Morsi. Following the wake of Mubarak’s departure last year, the election should have seemingly brought peace into the country under a stable government. From looking around for other articles, I can find no glaring flaws with Morsi and the way he wants to run Egypt, so for these protestors to violently seek to make radical changes so soon after his appointment seems unfair to me. The man, and the government itself, needs to time to fall into place and develop. These protestors should actively seek to elect members into the Parliamentary system and deal with these issues politically instead of resorting to violence. I hope that over the next few months there will not be more stories of violence and death coming from protest related incidents. A diplomatic approach will not only find more success but will also allow the country to settle into peace after having a great deal of violence the past few years. 

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