Thursday, February 21, 2013

Overlooking Domestic Violence in America

Domestic Violence is far from over. Like every problem that arises in societies around the world, this is one of the few that has always been around. According to the figures in December from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four women in the U.S. has been a victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in her lifetime since 2011. Additionally, nearly one in five has been raped. This is no matter that should be left unaddressed. Yes, there have been efforts that help alleviate the situation -recently enacted laws- in addition to the “Violence Against Women Act” of 1994, yet the statistics are still shocking. The last session of Congress further implicates acknowledgement of the issue at hand; the disagreement and the subsequent failure to renew this act creates a bigger rift in the values that this nation has to uphold.

This, along with the protection of lesbian and gays further illuminates Congress and its habitual indecency to respect the needed attention to represent the voices of certain groups that deserve greater vocalization. The House of Representatives should not turn a blind eye to the situation at hand. Rather, they should push for the progression of the country’s common goal to protect the right and pursuit of happiness of every citizen. What better way to do that than to take this law back and renewing it? The onslaught of domestic violence is a formidable enemy, but not one that cannot be addressed and resolved. Like all problems that arise, it will not come without self sacrifice and devotion- if America is willing to do that, we will be one step closer to wiping this term from existence.

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